How it all began…

One Sunday sunset in July, Aradhana smiled at Luke… on eHarmony! They were not officially matched, however he came up in a stack of possible “what ifs” in her stream. Less than three hours later, Luke smiled back and Aradhana asked the first question.


“Sitting in 'Morocco' having dinner, I started to realize that I was interacting with a rare and beautiful creature which possessed a kind soul, an uplifting spirit, and a giant, golden heart..”

— Luke

“The moment I first heard his voice my heart knew he was very special.”

— Aradhana


Aradhana & Luke


Aradhana and Luke first met at Epcot. What was supposed to be a friendly walk “around the world” kicked off with lively debate in Mexico, by Morocco they were dancing in the rain and a sweet kiss would find them just over the Canadian boarder. Two meet-ups later, Luke playfully pinned Aradhana against her beetle and said, “Aradhana, I can keep taking you on these non-dates, but can I please just take you out on an actual date?” The rest is history. The two began a courtship that only providence could weave into the tapestry of this moment.

Grace Abounds

So many times along the way, they marveled at the goodness of God. That He would have seen, that He could have known, and that He cared deeply enough to have guided them “through all the wrong turns, stumbles and falls” to one another.


God knew all along the journey what their hearts would discover in each other.

We hope you can can celebrate with us!

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“We’re counting the days to the BIG day and covet your prayers over the process.”

— Aradhana & Luke